There are several risk factors for osteoporosis, which can exacerbates or increase the likelihood of this disease. Caucasian and Asian women have a greater risk of osteoporosis compared with women like black or dark brown. Age is Osteoporosis Risk Factors most common. It has been shown that osteoporosis has a close connection with the estrogen and menopause after the age of thirty-five sets for the women.
Osteoporosis is a disease which is also known to affect people with the same bone structure most often. So if anyone in your family have a history of this disease, it is important that you have to be careful and take necessary action against it. In addition, a variety of reasons related to lifestyle can also contribute to a possible risk of osteoporosis. This includes more than the consumption of alcohol and red meat, lack of physical activity and exercise, obesity, low levels of calcium in the blood and bone, excessive consumption of caffeine and smoking, and many more are yet to be realized. Many people also tend to connect the wrong posture whiles sitting, standing, sleeping and driving.
As far as the detection of osteoporosis is concerned, there are various kinds of tests are performed today by doctors and medical experts to detect and confirm the disease. The two most common methods used include dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and ultrasound densitometry.
Any treatment or therapy to cure osteoporosis is based on three fundamental objectives - to control pain in patients, reducing the possibility of subsequent fractures and bone damage, and finally and most importantly to increase overall bone density. Because osteoporosis can be calculated many different causes, treatment to cure it must be multi-dimensional. This is the reason why besides a bone specialist, an expert committee to therapy also involves experts from the medical departments such as obstetrics and gynecology.
Osteoporosis Risk Factors
Some factors that increase Osteoporosis Risk and Cause. This disease can occurs in any gender at any age and not only in older women, so it is important to invest in prevention. Based on the above explanation, it can be ended that the Osteoporosis Risk Factors are as follows:
- smoking
- excessive alcohol consumption
- low consumption of calcium
- low consumption of vitamin D
- inactive lifestyle or lack of exercise
- Certain medications can cause osteoporosis. These include long-term use of cortisostreoid, heparin (blood thinner), antidepressants, anti seizure medications such as phenytoin (Dilantin) and phenobarbital, and long-term use of oral corticosteroids (like prednisone).
- Malabsorption (nutrients not properly absorbed from the digestive system) from conditions such as celiac sprue
- Low levels of estrogen in women (such as occurs in menopause or with early removal of both ovaries)
- Chemotherapy can cause premature menopause because of its toxic effect on ovarian
- Amenorrhea (loss of menstrual period) in young women is associated with low estrogen and osteoporosis; amenorrhea can occur in women who undergo training are very strong and in women with very low body fat (for example, women with anorexia nervosa)